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Star Trek Collection

Located in the PC Room, mostly on the top shelves at the back (north) wall.


Video Games

  • Star Trek (PS3)
  • Star Trek (Xbox 360)
  • Star Trek: Shattered Universe (Xbox, PS2)
  • Star Trek: The Next Generation - A Final Unity (PC big box)
  • Star Trek: Bridge Commander (PC)

Board Games


  • The Physics of Star Trek
  • Beyond Star Trek
  • Beyond The Final Frontier
  • Star Trek Action!
  • The Definitive Star Trek Trivia Book by Jill Sherwin
  • Star Trek Star Fleet Technical Manual
  • Star Trek Worlds of the Federation
  • Star Trek Mirror Universe Saga
  • Star Trek Concordance
  • Make it So by Patrick Stewart

Star Trek The Next Generation Novels

  • Generations (Film novelization) by J.M. Dillard (December 1994) [hardback]
  • First Contact (Film novelization) by J.M. Dillard (December 1996) [hardback]
  • Insurrection (Film novelization) by J.M. Dillard (December 1998)
  • 2) The Peacekeepers by Gene DeWeese (September 1988)
  • 7) Masks by John Vornholt (July 1989)
  • 9) A Call to Darkness by Michael Jan Friedman (November 1989)
  • 11) Gulliver's Fugitives by Keith Sharee (May 1990)
  • 12) Doomsday World by Carmen Carter, Peter David, Michael Jan Friedman, and Robert Greenberger (July 1990)
  • 13) The Eyes of the Beholders by A. C. Crispin (September 1990)
  • 14) Exiles by Howard Weinstein (November 1990)
  • 15) Fortune's Light by Michael Jan Friedman (January 1991)
  • 16) Contamination by John Vornholt (March 1991)
  • 17) Boogeymen by Mel Gilden (July 1991)
  • 19) Perchance to Dream by Howard Weinstein (December 1991)
  • 20) Spartacus by T. L. Mancour (February 1992)
  • 24) Nightshade by Laurell K. Hamilton (December 1992)
  • 25) Grounded by David Bischoff (March 1993)
  • 36) Into the Nebula by Gene DeWeese (July 1995)
  • 40) Possession by J. M. Dillard and Kathleen O'Malley (May 1996)
  • 52) Vectors (Double Helix, Book 2) by Dean Wesley Smith and Kristine Kathryn Rusch
  • Ancient Blood (Day of Honor, Book 1) by Diane Carey (September 1997)
  • The Best and Brightest by Susan Wright (February 1998)
  • Dark Mirror by Diane Duane (December 1993) [hardback]
  • 79) First Strike (Invasion, Book 1) by Diane Carey (July 1996)
  • 89) Wagon Train to the Stars (New Earth, Book 1) by Diane Carey (June 2000)

Star Trek Voyager Novels

  • 1) Caretaker (novelization) by L. A. Graf (February 1995)
  • Endgame by Diane Carey (Oct 1999/June 2001)

Star Trek Deep Space 9 Novels

  • The Dominion War (Book Two) by Diane Carey (December 1998)

Star Trek Novels

  • 8) Black Fire by Sonni Cooper (January 1983)
  • 12) Mutiny on the Enterprise by Robert E. Vardeman (October 1983)
  • 40) Timetrap by David Dvorkin (June 1988)
  • 49) The Pandora Principle by Carolyn Clowes (April 1990)
  • 75) First Frontier by Diane Carey and James Kirkland (August 1995)
  • Treaty's Law (Day of Honor book 4) by Kristine Kathryn Rusch and Dean Wesley Smith (October 1997)
  • The Return by William Shatner (April 1996) [hardback]
  • Dark Victory by William Shatner (April 1999)
  • Vulcan's Heart by Josepha Sherman and Susan Shwartz (July 1999) [hardback]

Star Trek New Frontier

  • 4) End Game by Peter David (August 1997)
  • 7) The Quiet Place by Peter David (November 1999)
  • Stone and Anvil by Peter David (October 2003) [hardback]
  • Missing in Action by Peter David (February 2006) [hardback]
star_trek.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/27 14:23 by neil