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Traditional Games

These games are mostly stored in the main room on the game shelf on the east wall.

  • We have a Carrom board hanging on the north wall of the Main room. The accessories (powders, coins, striker) are in a marked box on the gameshelf on the east wall.
  • Mahjong (second shelf of the east wall). We have multiple sets and a rolled up four sided neoprene playing board.
  • Dominoes - there are multiple sets on the game shelves.
  • Backgammon - there is a set in a black leather case on the game shelves.
  • Chess - multiple sets in the PC Room bookshelf.
  • Poker - large sets and cards under the game shelves in the main room.
  • Cards - there are multiple packs of cards in the black box marked poker under the game shelves. Extra dice are also available in the mini drawers in the PC room.
  • Darts - There is a board in the PC room and multiple sets of darts.
traditional_games.1721694701.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/07/23 00:31 by neil