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start [2024/07/16 16:36]
start [2025/01/27 13:09] (current)
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 ====== The Gamer Club Glasgow Wiki ===== ====== The Gamer Club Glasgow Wiki =====
-A members club and hack space for geeks and gamers in Glasgow. ​ ​Welcome to our wiki.+24/7 members club, events hub and hack space for geeks and gamers in Glasgow.\\ 
 ^Website|https://​| ^Website|https://​|
 ^Location|[[https://​​gettinghere|153 Bath Lane, Glasgow, G2 4RH]]| ^Location|[[https://​​gettinghere|153 Bath Lane, Glasgow, G2 4RH]]|
 +^What'​s On|Check out our [[https://​​events|events page]] or our [[https://​|club calendar]]|
 ^Contact|[[https://​​@thegamerclub|@thegamerclub]],​ [[mailto:​|]] or [[https://​​contact|contact us via online form]]| ^Contact|[[https://​​@thegamerclub|@thegamerclub]],​ [[mailto:​|]] or [[https://​​contact|contact us via online form]]|
 +^Join|[[https://​​membership|Become a member]]|
 ---- ----
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 ===== Rooms ===== ===== Rooms =====
 There are five main rooms that make up the venue: There are five main rooms that make up the venue:
-{{:​map_26x17.png?​400 |}} +{{ :​map_26x17.png?​400|}} 
-  * [[Foyer]] - The entranceway that has the lockers and a place to hang coats + 
-  * [[Main Room]] - Our main room that features four 6-8 person tables. ​ Our events space.+  * [[Foyer]] - The entranceway that has [[lockers]] and a place to hang coats 
 +  * [[Main Room]] - Our main room that features four 8 person tables. ​ Our events space.
   * [[PC Room]] - The side room with [[Gaming PCs]] and [[Hack space]]   * [[PC Room]] - The side room with [[Gaming PCs]] and [[Hack space]]
   * [[Kitchen]] - Gaming consoles, fridge, popcorn and ice maker.   * [[Kitchen]] - Gaming consoles, fridge, popcorn and ice maker.
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 ===== Games ===== ===== Games =====
 +  * [[Local Multiplayer]] - Up to four players on one screen
   * [[Role Playing Games]]   * [[Role Playing Games]]
   * [[Board Games]]   * [[Board Games]]
-  * [[Video Games]] +  * [[Video Games]]: [[Xbox]], [[Xbox 360]], [[Xbox One]], [[Playstation 1|PS1]], [[Playstation 2|PS2]], [[Playstation 3|PS3]], [[Playstation 4|PS4]], [[Nintendo Wii|Wii]], [[Nintendo 64|N64]] 
-  * [[PC Games]]+  * [[PC Games]]: [[PC Games#​Steam]],​ [[PC Games#​Epic]],​ [[Main Room PC]], [[PC Games#​Physical]]
   * [[Poker]]   * [[Poker]]
   * [[Chess]]   * [[Chess]]
   * [[Traditional Games]]   * [[Traditional Games]]
 +  * [[Collections]]
 +  * [[DVD Games]]
 ===== Links ===== ===== Links =====
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   * [[Vinyl Cutter]]   * [[Vinyl Cutter]]
   * [[Electronics]]   * [[Electronics]]
 +  * [[Sewing Machine]]
 ===== Audio/​Visual ===== ===== Audio/​Visual =====
   * [[TV]]   * [[TV]]
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     * [[7 Days to Die]]     * [[7 Days to Die]]
 ===== Media ===== ===== Media =====
-  * [[Films]] +  * [[Movies]] ([[Science Fiction Movies|Sci-fi]]) ([[Horror Movies|Horror]]) 
-  * [[Books]]+  * [[Books]] ​([[Science Fiction Books|Sci-fi]])
   * [[Anime]]   * [[Anime]]
   * [[Manga]]   * [[Manga]]
   * [[Shows]]   * [[Shows]]
   * [[Comics & Graphic Novels]]   * [[Comics & Graphic Novels]]
 +  * [[Documentaries]]
 +  * [[Collections]]
 +  * [[Music]]
 +  * [[Karaoke]]
 +===== Regular Events =====
 +  * [[LAN Party]]
 ===== Members Area ===== ===== Members Area =====
   * [[Members|Members Area]]   * [[Members|Members Area]]
start.1721147760.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/07/16 16:36 by neil