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Playstation 3 (PS3)

We have a Playstation 3 (PS3) plugged into a TV (left side facing the arcade) in the Lounge. It has two wireless controllers. We also have a second PS3 in the Lounge plugged into the projector, it has two wireless controllers and 8 wireless Buzz controllers. We have the following games:

  1. 007 Blood Stone
  2. 007 Goldeneye Reloaded
  3. 007 Quantum of Solace
  4. 2010 Fifa World Cup South Africa
  5. Ace Combat: Assault Horizon
  6. Aliens vs Predator
  7. Aliens: Colonial Marines
  8. Alpha Protocol
  9. Arkham Asylum
  10. Arkham City
  11. Army of Two
  12. Army of Two: 40 Days
  13. Assassin's Creed
  14. Assassin's Creed II
  15. Assassin's Creed III: Special Edition
  16. Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag
  17. Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood
  18. Assassin's Creed: Revelations
  19. Avatar: The Game
  20. Battlefield 3
  21. Battlefield 4
  22. Battlefield Bad Company 2
  23. Battlefield Hardline
  24. Ben 10 Omniverse
  25. Beowulf
  26. Beyond: Two Souls
  27. Bioshock
  28. Bioshock 2
  29. Bioshock Infinite
  30. Blacksite
  31. Blazing Angels: Squadrons of War
  32. Borderlands
  33. Borderlands 2
  34. Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel
  35. Bourne Conspiracy, The
  36. Brink
  37. Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway
  38. Burnout Paradise
  39. Buzz Quiz TV
  40. Buzz Quiz World
  41. Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare
  42. Call of Duty: Black Ops
  43. Call of Duty: Black Ops II
  44. Call of Duty: Ghosts
  45. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
  46. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3
  47. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 4 (GOTY Edition)
  48. Call of Duty: World At War
  49. Call of Juraz: Bound in Blood
  50. Civilization: Revolution
  51. Club, The
  52. Colin McRae Dirt
  53. Colin McRae Dirt 2
  54. Colin McRae Dirt 3
  55. Condemned 2
  56. Conflict: Denied Ops
  57. Crysis 2
  58. Crysis 3
  59. Dark Sector
  60. Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition
  61. Darkness
  62. Darksiders
  63. Darksiders II
  64. Dead Island
  65. Dead Island Riptide
  66. Dead Rising 2
  67. Dead Rising 2: Off The Record
  68. Dead Space
  69. Dead Space 3
  70. Defiance
  71. Destiny
  72. Destiny: The Taken King - Legendary Edition
  73. Destroy All Humans! Path of the Furon
  74. Deus Ex: Human Revolution
  75. Devil May Cry 4
  76. Diablo III
  77. Dirt: Showdown
  78. Dishonored
  79. Disney Sing It
  80. Dragon Age: Inquisition
  81. Dragon Age: Origins
  82. Dragon Age II
  83. Dragon's Dogma
  84. Driver: San Francisco
  85. Duke Nukem Forever
  86. Dungeon Siege III
  87. Dynasty Warriors 6
  88. Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion - GOTY Edition, The
  89. Enemy Territory: Quake Wars
  90. Enslaved
  91. Everybody's Golf: World Tour
  92. F1 Championship Edition
  93. FIFA Street 3
  94. Facebreaker
  95. Fallout 3
  96. Fallout New Vegas
  97. Far Cry 2
  98. Far Cry 3
  99. Far Cry 4
  100. Farming Simulator
  101. Fast & Furious: Showdown
  102. Fifa 08
  103. Fifa 09
  104. Fifa 10
  105. Fifa 11
  106. Fifa 12
  107. Fifa 13
  108. Fifa 14 (Steelbook)
  109. Fifa 15
  110. Fight Night Champion
  111. Fight Night Round 4
  112. Final Fantasy X | X-2
  113. Final Fantasy XIII
  114. Formula 1 2010
  115. Formula 1 2011
  116. Fracture
  117. Genji: Days of the Blade
  118. God of War (part of the God of War collection set)
  119. God of War II (part of the God of War collection set)
  120. God of War III
  121. God of War: Ascension
  122. Gran Turismo 5 Prologue
  123. Gran Turismo 5: Academy Edition
  124. Grand Theft Auto IV
  125. Grand Theft Auto V
  126. Grand Theft Auto: Episodes from Liberty City
  127. Guitar Hero 5
  128. Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock
  129. Guitar Hero: Aerosmith
  130. Guitar Hero: Live
  131. Guitar Hero: World Tour
  132. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
  133. Harry Potter: The Half Blood Prince
  134. Haze
  135. Heavy Rain
  136. Hitman: Absolution
  137. Homefront
  138. inFamous
  139. inFamous 2
  140. Injustice: Gods Among Us
  141. James Bond 007: Nightfire
  142. Juiced 2
  143. Just Cause 2
  144. Kane & Lynch: Dead Men
  145. Kane & Lynch: Dog Days
  146. Killzone 2
  147. Killzone 3
  148. Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 Remix
  149. L.A. Noire
  150. Lair
  151. Last Of Us, The
  152. Legendary
  153. Lego Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures
  154. Lego Batman 2
  155. Lego Batman 3: Beyond Gotham
  156. Lego Dimensions
  157. Lego Harry Potter
  158. Lego Marvel Super Heroes
  159. Lego Pirates of the Caribbean
  160. Little Big Planet
  161. Little Big Planet 2
  162. Little Big Planet 3
  163. Lost Planet 2
  164. Lost: The Video Game
  165. MX vs ATV Reflex
  166. Madden NFL 08
  167. Mafia II
  168. Mass Effect 2
  169. Mass Effect 3
  170. Max Payne 3
  171. Medal of Honor
  172. Medal of Honor: Airborne
  173. Medal of Honor: Warfighter
  174. Medieval Moves
  175. Mercenaries 2: World in Flames
  176. Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
  177. Metro: Last Light
  178. Minecraft
  179. Mini Ninjas
  180. Mirror's Edge
  181. Monsters vs Aliens
  182. Mortal Kombat
  183. Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe
  184. MotorStorm
  185. Motorstorm: Apocalypse
  186. Motorstorm: Pacific Rift
  187. NBA2K14
  188. NBA2K15
  189. Narnia: Prince Caspian
  190. Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm
  191. Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit
  192. Need for Speed: Most Wanted
  193. Need for Speed: ProStreet
  194. Need for Speed: Rivals
  195. Need for Speed: Shift
  196. Need for Speed: The Run
  197. Need for Speed: Undercover
  198. Ninja Gaiden Sigma
  199. Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising
  200. Overlord II
  201. Payday 2
  202. Planet 51: The Game
  203. Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale
  204. Prince of Persia
  205. Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands
  206. Prison Break: The Conspiracy
  207. Pro Evolution Soccer 2008
  208. Pro Evolution Soccer 2009
  209. Pro Evolution Soccer 2010
  210. Pro Evolution Soccer 2012
  211. Prototype
  212. Prototype 2
  213. Pure
  214. Racedriver Grid
  215. Rage
  216. Ratchet & Clank - Tools of Destruction
  217. Rayman Legends
  218. Reckoning
  219. Red Dead Redemption
  220. Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare
  221. Red Faction: Armageddon
  222. Resident Evil 5
  223. Resistance 2
  224. Resistance 3
  225. Resistance: Fall of Man
  226. Ridge Racer 7
  227. Ridge Racer Unbounded
  228. Risen 2
  229. Rockband: The Beatles
  230. Rocksmith
  231. SSX
  232. Saints Row 2
  233. Saints Row: The Third
  234. Saints Row IV
  235. Sega Rally
  236. Shaun White Skateboarding
  237. Shoot, The
  238. Sing It: Disney
  239. SingStar
  240. SingStar Abba
  241. Skylanders: Giants
  242. Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure
  243. Skylanders: Swap Force
  244. Skyrim
  245. Sleeping Dogs (Limited Edition)
  246. Sly Trilogy, The
  247. Smackdown vs Raw 2008
  248. Smackdown vs Raw 2009
  249. Smackdown vs Raw 2010
  250. Smackdown vs Raw 2011
  251. Sniper Elite v2
  252. Sniper: Ghost Warrior
  253. Socom Confrontation
  254. Sonic & Sega All Star Racing
  255. Sonic Generations
  256. Soul Calibur IV
  257. Soul Calibur V
  258. South Park: The Stick of Truth
  259. Spec Ops - The Line
  260. Spider-man: Edge of Time
  261. Sports Champions
  262. Star Trek
  263. Stormrise
  264. Stranglehold
  265. Street Fighter IV
  266. Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition
  267. Stuntman: Ignition
  268. Syndicate
  269. TNA Impact! Total Nonstop Action Wrestling
  270. TV Superstars
  271. Tekken 6
  272. Terminator: Salvation
  273. Terraria
  274. Thief
  275. Tiger Woods PGA Tour 06
  276. Tiger Woods PGA Tour 07
  277. Tiger Woods PGA Tour 11
  278. Tiger Woods PGA Tour 12
  279. Tom Clancy's Endwar
  280. Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2
  281. Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Future Soldier
  282. Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X
  283. Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas 2
  284. Tomb Raider
  285. Tomb Raider: Underworld
  286. Tony Hawk Shred
  287. Toy Story 3
  288. Turning Point: Fall of Liberty
  289. Turok
  290. UEFA Euro 2008
  291. UFC 2009: Undisputed
  292. Uncharted: Drake's Fortune
  293. Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
  294. Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception
  295. Unreal Tournament III
  296. Vikings: Battle for Asgard
  297. Virtua Fighter 5
  298. Virtua Tennis 3
  299. WWE 13
  300. WWE: Legends of WrestleMania
  301. Walking Dead, The
  302. Wall-E
  303. Warhawk
  304. Watch Dogs
  305. Wet
  306. Wheelman
  307. Wonderbook: Book of Spells
  308. XCOM: Enemy Unknown
  309. XCOM: The Bureau XCOM Declassified
playstation_3.1724288331.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/08/22 00:58 by neil