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main_room [2024/08/22 12:00]
main_room [2024/08/26 14:17] (current)
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 The west wall features the main [[65" TV]].  There is a projector on the ceiling that can point to the south wall (white brick) or it can be swivelled around to point to the west wall (which has a pull down 100" projector screen). The west wall features the main [[65" TV]].  There is a projector on the ceiling that can point to the south wall (white brick) or it can be swivelled around to point to the west wall (which has a pull down 100" projector screen).
-The north wall has the windows, and on west most window bay is a laptop ​connected to the TV as well as a blu ray player.+The north wall has the windows, and on west most window bay is the [[Main Room PC]] connected to the TV as well as a blu ray player.  The PC has four wireless controllers and specialises in [[Local multiplayer|4 player split screen games]].
 There are four tables in the main room.  Two are extendable. ​ There are usually eight seats at each table. There are four tables in the main room.  Two are extendable. ​ There are usually eight seats at each table.
 There is also a high table with two stools which has a CD player and some of our [[Music]] collection. There is also a high table with two stools which has a CD player and some of our [[Music]] collection.
-In the window sill is our [[Main Room PC]] which has four wireless controllers and specialises in split screen co-op indie games. 
 {{:​main-room-east.jpg?​400|}} {{:​main-room-east.jpg?​400|}}
 {{:​main-room-west.jpg?​400|}} {{:​main-room-west.jpg?​400|}}
main_room.1724328050.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2024/08/22 12:00 by neil