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lemmy_forum [2024/06/11 13:07]
neil created
lemmy_forum [2024/06/11 13:08] (current)
Line 1: Line 1:
 ====== Lemmy Forum ====== ====== Lemmy Forum ======
-Similar to Reddit, Lemmy is an .+Similar to Reddit, Lemmy is an [[https://​​wiki/​Open_source|open source]], [[https://​​wiki/​Self-hosting_(web_services)|self hosted]] and [[https://​​wiki/​Fediverse|federated]] discussion board.
 Our community page is https://​​c/​tgc Our community page is https://​​c/​tgc
 [[Start#​Links|Back to links]] [[Start#​Links|Back to links]]
lemmy_forum.1718111248.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2024/06/11 13:07 by neil