MAME Cabinet

Custom built MAME arcade cabinet in the Arcade, it's against the east wall, on top of a chest of drawers.

It emulates most arcade games from 1980-1995 perfectly (and also other platforms a bit less perfectly, see below).

It has two 8 axis joysticks with 6 buttons each. The buttons mounted vertically under the controls do the following:

1st button2nd buttonMiddle button3rd button4th button
Player 1 CoinPlayer 1 StartMenuPlayer 2 CoinPlayer 2 Start

Select a game and press the first (punch) button next to the joystick to begin. To quit out of a game and go back to the menu hold Player 1 Coin and Player 1 Start (first two buttons) down for 2 seconds.

The MAME Cabinet can also emulate the following systems (however, some games will not launch, and others are improperly emulated). Exiting out of each of these systems is tricky (it's generally a combination of the first three buttons in the table above).

Emulated systems