Steps for VR * Install Unity from * Install editor (v 2021.3.) > Install * Add ‘Android Support + Open JDK + Android SDK and NDK Tools’ > Continue * Agree> Install * New Project > 3D (URP) Setting up environment * Top right layout > Tall * Create scene, ‘Main scene’ * Create > 3D object > Plane * Right click in project window * Create > material Enable VR environment using oculus integration * Install oculus integration package here ([[|alternative link]]) * Edit> project settings> XR Plugin management * Select ‘Oculus’ in windows and android Fun part – Hand tracking * Delete ‘main camera’ * Create > 3D object> cube * Search in project ‘OculusInteractionSampleRig’ * Drag ‘OculusInteractionSampleRig’ to scene * Select ‘OVRCameraRig’ * Change Tracking Origin Type to ‘Floor Level’ and Tracking support to ‘Hands only’ * Look for ‘Left/Right HandAnchor’ under ‘OVRCameraRig’ Grabbing Object Interactor * Add ‘HandGrabInteractor’ to both ‘HandInteractor’ under InputOVR * Select ‘R/L Hand’ drag ‘OVRGrabber’ to add elements in interactor * Check Parent Held Object or you will see some jumpiness when holding and object and moving your hands. * Add sphere collider to grab volume Interactable * Add ‘rigidbody’ to the cube under add components for a cube. * Add ‘OVRGrabbable’