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7_days_to_die [2024/08/01 14:06]
neil created
7_days_to_die [2024/10/02 11:14] (current)
Line 5: Line 5:
 We have a chatroom to discuss events in the game world on Matrix: [[https://​​sevendaystodie:​|#​sevendaystodie:​]] We have a chatroom to discuss events in the game world on Matrix: [[https://​​sevendaystodie:​|#​sevendaystodie:​]]
-We're currently running v1.(last updated ​August 1st 2024)+We're currently running v1.(last updated ​Oct 2nd 2024)
7_days_to_die.1722521172.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2024/08/01 14:06 by neil